July 15, 2002

Dear Mom:

...Well, I didn’t travel far to take these images of the Farmers’ Market on Armitage, which brings rural pleasures to our own neighborhood every Saturday morning. Customers may not realize the time and effort that these food artisans take, many arriving as early as 4:30 am to set up their goods. I know this because I recently took a series of photos, with specific intent to adorn the walls of kitchens, dining rooms, and restaurants. I would arrive to the Market early enough to catch a glow that can only be found in the morning sunlight. At that hour, the fruits and veggies would not yet be picked over, but instead would be lovingly displayed by the farmer. This was his time to beam with pride at his harvest.

I am thankful to these Market people for making it easy and fun to shoot their natural colorful art. (I am especially thankful to them for their patience with my doggie playmate, sweet but impish Sylvie, who would occasionally steal bits of food - (sometimes an entire donut - from ‘hidden’ places under the tables). We Chicagoans are fortunate to be surrounded by such beauty right here in this incredible City - rich in culture, diversity, and good people...

Love, Anne